1 Comment
Mar 18·edited Mar 18

Re: finding your way by following your curiosity...that makes sense to me. I think if you want to truly enjoy your work (or anything), you need some sort of inner drive.. a genuine interest/curiosity that comes from your own motivation, not a goal planted there by someone else, or even planted there impulsively by you, with little thought. It's also possible to discover your motivation after the fact. I guess life is like that..you're born first and then you discover your purpose.

About the dumb people making money.. I get what the guy means. In other words, the people who fit his definition of dumb seem to make a lot of money. But the guy might want to consider... who is actually dumber.. the guy who didn't know how to make a lot of money, or the guy who did figure it out and is enjoying himself? :P

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